Lewis Castle
X: 1 T:Lewis Castle. WCD3/2.067 M:6/8 L:1/8 Z:vmp. Peter Dunk 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk B:Walsh, Compleat Country Dancing Master, 3rd Series, 2nd Bk, 3rd Ed., 1749 Q:3/8=95 F:http://www.cpartington.plus.com/Links/Walsh/WalshCD3-2(29-3-15).abc K:G GAG Bcd|g3b3|bag fga|d3c3| BAG Bcd|c2d efg|fed Ad^c|d3-d3:| |:DFA dcB|c3B3|edc gAG|FGA D2 B/c/| (dB)g (dB)g|BcB ABc|BAG DGF|G3-G3:| W: W:Final repeat added for clarity
X: 1
T: Lewis Castle
P: Longways for as many as will
%R: jig
B: "Caledonian Country Dances" printed by John Walsh for John Johnson, London
S: 1: CCDTB http://imslp.org/wiki/Caledonian_Country_Dances_with_a_Thorough_Bass_(Various) p.87
S: 6: CCDM2 http://imslp.org/wiki/The_Compleat_Country_Dancing-Master_(Various) V.2 (67)
Z: 2013 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Repeats added to satisfy the "Each Strain twice" instruction.
N: CCDM2 has a high g rather than B for the 4th note in bar 11; the tunes are otherwise identical.
N: The dance descriptions differ only in capitalization, and CCDM2 spelling "across" as "a Cross".
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1
GAG Bcd | g3 b3 | bag fga | d3 c3 |\
BAG Bcd |^c2d efg | fed Ad^c | d3- d3 :|
DFA dcB | c3 B3 | edc BAG | FGA D2B/c/ |\
(dB)g (dB)g | BcB ABc | BAG DGF | G3- G3 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
G3 z2z | gdB GBd | f3 d3 | fed e2f |\
g3 G3 | A2B ^c3 | d2g a2A | d2c BAG :|
d3 f2g | agf g2G | c3 G3 | d3 c3 |\
G3 z2z | G3 d3 | G2c d3 | G2A BAG :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%center Each Strain twice.
%%begintext align
%% The 1st & 2d Cu. hands round, the 1st Cu. casts off & hands round with 3d Cu.
%% then lead up between the 2d Cu. & cast off. Foot it all four, the 1st Man to
%% the 2d Wo. and the 2d Man to the 1st Wo. hands all four across quite round,
%% then clap with your Partner 4 times & lead thro' the 3d Cu.
T:Lewis Castle. Roose.0299
B:Roose MS, 1850
Z:Village Music Project 2019 Mike Hicken
N: NB Shown as crotchet in Ms. Changed to dotted crotchet to give correct bar length.
GAG Bcd|g3b3|bag fga|d3c3|
BAG Bcd|^c2d efg|fed Ad^c|d3-d3 :|
|: DFA dcB|c3B3|edc BAG|FGA D2 B/c/|
dBg dBg|BcB ABc|BAG DGF|G3-"^NB"G3 :|