Maid at the Fair
X:1 T:Maid at the Fair M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:O'Farrell - National Irish Music for the Union Pipes (1804) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D d | FGF FEF | BcB B2d | FAF FEF | ABA A2d | F2F FEF | BcB Bcd | cBA BAF | ABA A2 :| |: d | cBA cec | BcB B2d | cBA cec | ABA A2d | cBA cde | fdB Bcd | cBA BAF| ABA A2 :| |: B/c/ | dAF FEF | BcB B2c | dAF FEF | ABA ABc | dAF FDF | BcB Bcd | cBA BAF | ABA A2 :|]
X:1 T:Maid at the Fair M:6/8 L:1/8 N:Goodman includes the tune in his section “Jackson’s Airs” B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, vol. 4 (mid-19th century, p. 1) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D d|FGF FEF|BcB B2d|FAF FEF|ABA A2d| F2F FEF|BcB Bcd|cBA BAG|ABA A2:| |:d|cBA cec|BcB B2d|cBA cec|ABA A2d| cBA cec|BcB B2d|cBA BAG|ABA A2:| |:B/c/|dAF FDF|BcB B2c|dAF FDF|ABA ABc| dAF FDF|BcB Bcd|cB BAF|ABA A2:|]