Marmaduke's Hornpipe
X:0 T:Marmaduke's Hornpipe L:1/8 M:2/4 K:D V:1 clef=treble name="0." [V:1] F/G/|AA/A/ A/B/A/G/|F/E/F/E/ D/E/F/D/|A,E/E/ CE/E/|A,E/E/ C/E/F/G/| AA/A/ A/B/A/G/|F/E/F/E/ D/E/F/D/|A,E/E/ CE/E/|(A,/ D) (A,/ D):| |:(A|A/)B/d/e/ f/d/e/d/|B/d/e/f/ g/f/g/(A/|A/)B/d/e/ f/e/d/f/|e/d/B AF/G/| A/B/d/e/ f/d/e/d/|B/d/e/f/ g/f/g/(b/|b/)g/a/f/ g/f/e/d/|c/A/B/c/ d:|
X:1 T:Marmaduke's Hornpjpe M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stephen F. Davis - Devil's Box, vol. 29, No. 3, Fall 1995 (p. 12) N:Transcribed by William A. Shull, III, in Sept. 1992 as played by N:Cyril Stinnett, Oregon, Mo.). K:D V:1 clef=treble name="1." [V:1] (3A/B/c/|dd/e/ f/a/f/e/|d/f/e/f/ g/a/g/f/|e/c/e/g/ f/e/d/f/|e/d/c/B/ A/G/F/E/| D/F/A/d/ f/a/f/e/|d/f/e/f/ g/f/g/a/|b/g/b/g/ e/f/e/d/|c/A/B/c/ d:| |:[D/A/][E/A/]|:[AA]A/A/ A/B/A/G/|F/G/A/F/ D/A/F/D/|[A,E][E/A/][E/A/] [CE][E/A/][E/A/] [CE][D/A/][E/A/]| [AA]A/A/ A/B/A/G/|F/G/A/F/ D/A/F/D/|[A,E][E/A/][E/A/] [CE][E/A/][E/A/]|[DD]>[DD] [DD]:|]
X:2 T:Marmaduke's Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stephen F. Davis - Devil's Box, vol. 29, No. 3, Fall 1995 (p. 13) N:Transcribed by William A. Shull III as played by Howard Marshall (Mo.) K:D V:1 clef=treble name="2." [V:1] [D/A/][F/A/]|[AA][A/A/][A/A/] [A/A/][A/c/][A/B/][A/A/]|[FA][F/A/][E/A/] [D/A/][E/A/][F/A/][D/A/]|[A,E][E/A/][E/A/] [A,/E/][C/E/]E/E/|[A,E][E/A/][E/A/] [A,/E/][C/E/][E/A/][F/A/]| [A/A/][AA][A/A/] [A/A/][A/c/][A/B/][A/A/]|[FA][F/A/][E/A/] [D/A/][E/A/][F/A/][D/A/]|[A,E][E/A/][E/A/] [A,/E/][C/E/]E/[C/E/]|[FF][D/F/][D/F/] [DF]:| A/B/|A/B/d/e/ f/g/a/f/|ee/f/ g/e/c/B/|A/B/d/e/ f/a/f/e/|e/d/c/B/ AA/B/| A/B/d/e/ [df][d/f/][d/f/\|ee/f/ g/e/c/d/|e/f/g/e/ b/g/e/c/|d/f/e/c/ d:|]
X:3 T:Marmaduke's Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Stephen F. Davis - The Devil's Box, vol. 23, No. 3, Fall 1989, p. 17 S:Transcribed from the playing of Missouri fiddler Bill Driver by S:Dave Brinkman Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D V:1 clef=treble name="3." [V:1] [D/A/][F/A/]|AA/A/ A/B/A/G/|[F/A/][E/A/][F/A/][E/A/] [D/A/][E/A/][F/A/][D/A/]|A,[E/A/][E/A/] C[E/A/][E/A/]|A,[E/A/][E/A/] CF/G/| AA/A/ A/-B/A/G/|[F/A/][E/A/][F/A/][E/A/] [D/A/][E/A/][F/A/][D/A/]|A,[E/A/][E/A/] C[E/A/][E/A/]|[DA][D/A/][D/A/] [DA]:| |:F/G/|A/B/d/e/ ff/d/|e/d/e/f/ g/f/g/d/|A/c/d/e/ fg/f/|e/d/c/B/ A/G/F/G/| A/c/d/e/ ff/d/|e/d/e/f/ g/f/g/g/|b/g/a/f/ g/f/e/d/|c/A/B/c/ d:|]
X: 4 T: MARMADUKE'S HORNPIPE S: "Community Dances Manual 6", EFDSS, Jack Hamilton ed., 1981 p.11 R: reel Z: 2010 John Chambers <> M: 4/4 L: 1/8 F: K: D V:1 clef=treble name="4." [V:1] "A"|: A2 |\ "D"A2A2 AdBA | "D"F2FF D2D2 | "A7"E2A2 E2A2 | "A7"E2A2 E2A2 | "D"A2AA AdBA | "D"F2FF D2D2 | "A7"E2A2 E2E2 | "D"F3E D2 :| "B"|:\ "D"d2e2 fefe | "G"d2e2 gege | "D"d2e2 f2df | "A7"e2A2 ABcA | "D"d2e2 fefe | "G"d2e2 g3a | "Em"b2a2 "A7"g2e2 | "D"d4 d2z2 :|
X:5 T:Marmaduke's Hornpipe M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stuart Williams - Evergreen Fiddler vol. 1 (2005, p. 8) B: S:Earl Willis (Springfield, Oregon, originally from Missouri). N:"The 'G' chord (in the 6th measure) IV provides a sense of movement even though N:it clashes slightly with the melody. This set of chords is know as "Missouri Rules" N:and is often preferred whether or not it fits exactly." K:D V:1 clef=treble name="5." [V:1] z2||"D"A2 AA (AB)(AG|FD)F(E D)(EF)D|"A"[A,2E2][EA][EA] [C2E2][EA][EA]|[A,2E2][EA][EA] [C2E2][EA][EA]| "D"A2 AA (ABA)(G|"G"F)DF(E DE)FD|"A7"[A,2E2][EA][EA] [C2E2][EA][EA]|d2[DA]D [D2A2]:| |:((3ABc|d2) fe (fg)fe|"G"d2 ga g3 ((3A//c/|d2)f2d2f2|"A"efe(d cA)Bc| "D"d2 fe (fg)fe|"G"d2 ga g3(b|"A7"b)ga(f gf)ed|cAB(c "D"d2):|] P:Variations on measures 2 & 3 ||[A,E][EA][A,E][EA] [CE][EA][CE][EA]|[A,E][EA][CE][EA] [B,E][EA] [C2E2]||A,2 A,A, (CA,)C(B,|A,B,)C(A, B,A,)B,C|| %"Earl would play close to the frog on this one for a choppy sound. The tip of the %bow would fly back and forth, what he called the "Missouri whip." A,4B,4|=C4^C4||a(a ^g2) (fe|ef)e(d cA)Bc|| %"The first three of these were Earls standard interchangeable licks for this type of %tune. The last one is lifted from "Cricket on the Hearth." Also, try playing the 'A' %part up an octave."