Merry Making (1) (The)
Merry Making (1) (The): Annotations
X:1 T:A' Chridhealachd T:Merry Making, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F B|A/B/c cB Acfc|A/B/c cd _eGGB|A/B/c cB Acfc|e/f/g g>e f2f:| |:b|af~fg a>gfc|egfg eccb|1 af~fg agfc| dbge ~f2f:|2 afge fdcB| Afge ~f2f|| |:c|A/B/c cf dBBd|A/B/c ce fcac|A/B/c cf dBBd|cbge ~f2f:| g|bggb affa|gece cega|babg afaf|ecge ~f2 fg| bggb affa|gece ~fdcB| AfBf cfdf|e/f/g ge ~f2f||
X:2 T:Merry Making, The T: A' Chridhealachd L:1/8 M:C S:Fraser Collection (1874) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F B|A/B/c c>B Acfc|A/B/c cd _eGGB|A/B/c cB Acfc|e/f/g g>e f2 f:| |:b|affg a>gfc|egfg eccb|1 affg a>gfc| dbge f2f:|2 f/g/|afge fdcB|Afge f2f|| |:c|A/B/c cf dBBd|A/B/c ce fcac|A/B/c cf dBBd|cbge f2f:| g|bggb affa|bece cega|bgbg afaf|ecge f2fg| bggb affa|gece fdcB|AfBf cfdf| e/f/g ge f2f||
Merry Making (1) (The): Annotations