Minstrel of the Macdonalds (The)
Minstrel of the Macdonalds (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Minstrel of the Macdonalds, The T:Smeorach Chlainn Domhnuill M:3/4 L:1/8 S:Fraser Collection (1816) N:"Solemnly Slow" Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Amin E2|A6|B2 B4|c4 B>A|B2 ~^G E2|A2 A4|B2 B4| c4 B>A|c>B B4|c4 B>A|A3 G e2|A3 B c2|B2 ~^G2 E2| A4 A^G|e4 g2|d2 B2 ~A2|(A4||A2)|(B3 A B2)|g6| B3 A G2|E2 E4|B3 A B2|g6|B4 ~d2|e4 g/^f/g/a/| b3 a g2|ge e4|B3 A G2|GE E4|A4 A^G|e4 g2| d2 B2 ~A2|A4||BA|G2 E2 A2|c4 B2|e3 d c2|B4 e2| d2 G2 A2|c4 B2|A3 ^GAB|A4 BA|G2 E2 A2|c4 B2| e3 d c2|B4 e2|d2 G2 A2|e4 g2|e3 B d2|A4||
Minstrel of the Macdonalds (The): Annotations