Miss Graham of Gartmore’s Strathspey (2)
Miss Graham of Gartmore’s Strathspey (2): Annotations
X:1 T:Miss Graham of Gartmore’s Strathspey [2] M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:Mackintosh – 3rd Book of Sixty Eight New Reels and Stathspeys (1796) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G,<GD<B, A,<AA<G|F<dA<c B<gd<B|G,<GD<B, A,<A A>c|B<d c>A G2G2:| |:g>ab>g f<a d2|e>fg>e d<g B2|c>de>d B<dG<B|A<cE<A G>FE>D| g>ab>g f<a d>f|e>fg>e d<g B>d|c<eA<a f<d b>g|e<a f>d g>a g2||
Miss Graham of Gartmore’s Strathspey (2): Annotations