Miss Gunnin's RantClick on the tune title to see or modify Miss Gunnin's Rant's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Miss Gunnin's RantQuery the Archive
T:Miss Gunnin's Rant
B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 2, c. 1883, No. 52, p. 11)
B: http://grier.itma.ie/book-two#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=10&z=-548.8742%2C251.0592%2C4557.6098%2C1594.3287
N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from
N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim.
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
c2 cB/A/ BEED|CEAc BEEc|dcBA cefg|1aefd ceae:|2 gefd cA A2||
Aa aa/a/ agae|dcBA GABg|a2 ba/g/ aece|dcBA E2A2|
Aa aa/a/ agae|dcBA GABg|aece fdBc|dBcA E2A2||
aAc'A aAc'A|bAd'A bAd'A|c'Ae'A c'Ae'A|dcBA EA A2||
cefe cefe|fg/a/ ec BE E2|cefe cefe|fg/a/ gb gA A2|
cefe cefe|fg/a/ ec BE E2|cB/A/ eA f Age|aefd cA A2||