Miss Macdonald of Powder Hall's Reel
X:1 T: Miss Macdonald of Powder Hall's Reel C:Mr. Macdonald of Bornish M:C L:1/8 R:Petrie - Fourth Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, B:Jiggs and Country Dances (1805) F:https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/119149844 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F c|{B}A2 Fc A2(Bc) Fc|dB GF EC CE|{E}D2 B,F CA,A,F|(E/F/G) CE F2F|| A|FfAf afcA|GgBg bgdB|FfAf afcA|dfeg fFFA| Ffaf dcBA|Ggbg fedc|bgaf gefd|BGcB AFF||