Miss McDonald's (5) Reel
X:93 C:Page 46 T:Miss McDonald’s Reel. MBe.93 S:Matthew Betham MS, Towcett Cumbria, 1815 O:England;Cumbria;Towcett Z:VMP – Hugh Taylor, 2012 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 R:.Reel N:No time signature given, and 2/4 assumed. N:As written, the B part has only 6 bars. I have shown this and then taken the liberty of showing a N:re-constructed B part by changing the semiquavers to quavers and moving the bar lines appropriately. This N:then gives an 8 bar B. K:Gmix P:“^As written” G|DGBG|dGBG|DGBG|cAAB|DGBG|dGBG|AGAB|G2 G2:| |:d|g/g/b/g/ d/d/ d|g/g/b/g/ e/e/ e|gbeg|dgBg|BABc|GG G2:| K:C P:“^Re-construction by H.T.” G|DGBG|dGBG|DGBG|cAAB|DGBG|dGBG|AGAB|G2 G2:| |:d|ggbg|dd d2|ggbg|ee e2|gbeg|dgBg|BABc|GG “Crot”G:|