Mr. MacDonald of Gordon Castle's Strathspey
X:1 T:Mr. MacDonald of Gordon Castle’s Strathspey C:Donald Grant M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Donald Grant – Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs &c. (1820-21, p. 35) B:The volume was perhaps first issued c. 1790, from a penciled note in a copy. N:The collection was dedicated to Mrs. Col. Grant of Grant (“Sir James and N:Lady Grant of Grant”). S: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Cmin D2|:SCc3c3d edc=B c3G|Gc3c3e de3Tc4|Gc3c3d edc=B c3d|{A}B3cB3G FB,3 {E}D2:| =EG3Gc3 E3CE3C|=EG3Gc3 EC3 E4|=EG3Gc3 EC3EG3|{=A}B3cB3G FB,3 {E}D4| =EG3Gc3 EC3EC3|=EG3Gc3 E3C E4|=EG3c3d edc=B c3d|{=A}B3cB3G FB,3 D4S||