Mrs. Dr. Forbes
X:1 T:Mrs. Dr. Forbes' Reel M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:The volume was dedicated to the Highland Society of Scotland B:Duncan McKercher – A Collection of Original Stathspeys and Reels (Edinburgh, c. 1830, p. 11) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A c|A/A/A (AF) TE2 EF|A/A/A (Ac) dBTBc|A/A/A (AF) ~E2 EF|A2 (Bd) TcAA:| c|efec eg ~a2|efec fBBc|efec eg a2|ecdB cAAc| efec eg ~a2|(ga) ec fBTBc|efec egaf|ecdB TcAA||