Mrs. Stewart's Strathspey
X:1 T:Mrs. Stewart’s Strathspey M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:John Gow – A Favorite Collection of Slow Airs, B:Strathspeys and Reels (London, c. 1804, p. 15) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin A2|EA,3 TE3D EA,3 A,3C|B,2G2 EDCB, DG,3G,3B,|EA,3 E3D EA,3A,3C|D2EF EDCB, C2A,2A,2:| B2|Aa3c2a2 A2a2c2A2|Gg3Bg3 G2g3dB2|AA3c3a A2c3ec2|BcdB edcB cA3A3B| Aa3c3a A2a3cA2|Gg3B2g2 G3d2B2|ABcA BcdB cdec defd|e3E edcB c2A2A2||