Never Love Thee MoreClick on the tune title to see or modify Never Love Thee More's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Never Love Thee MoreQuery the Archive
X: 1
T: Never love thee more
P: Longways for as many as will
%R: jig
B: "The Compleat Country Dancing-Master" printed by John Walsh, London ca. 1740
S: 6: CCDM1 V.1 p.41 #77
B: "The Dancing-Master: Containing Directions and Tunes for Dancing" printed by W. Pearson for John Walsh, London ca. 1709
S: 7: DMDfD p.110
Z: 2013 John Chambers <>
N: The dances differ only trivially, in spelling and punctuation.
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D>ED G2A | B>cB A2G | dB2 A2G | E3- E2E |
D>ED G2A | B>cB A2G | dB2 c2d | e3- e2e |
dB2 A2G | c2d e>dc | dBc A2G | E3- E2E |
D>ED G2A | Bcd e>dc | dBc A2G | G3- G3 |]
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Honour to the Presence, then to your We. Lead up all
%% forward and back, that again.
%%sep 1 1 300
%%begintext align
%% The 1st Man Back to Back on the right Hand of his Wo. and
%% Back to Back on the left Hand of his Wo. to their own Places,
%% then cross over the 2d Cu. and the Hey thro' the 2d Cu.
%%sep 1 1 300
%%begintext align
%% Then Hands half round and fall back all four, then side over
%% to one another's Places, then right Hands being across, go half
%% round, then left Hands being across, go half round.
%%sep 1 8 500
T:Never love thee more
N:”Longways for as many as will.”
B:John Walsh – Complete Country Dancing-Master, Volume the Fourth
B: (London, 1740, No. 77)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
D3ED2G4A2|B3cB2 A4G2|d2B4A4G2|(E6E4)E2|
d2B4A4G2|c4d2e3dc2|d2B2c2 A4G2|(E6E4)E2|
D3E D2 G4A2|B2c2d2 e3dc2|d2B2c2A4G2|(G6G6)||