Now Phoebus sinketh in the west
Now Phoebus sinketh in the west: Annotations
X:1 T:Now Phoebus sinketh in the west M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air N:”From the ‘Mask of Comus’” C:”Dr. Arne” B:Manson – Hamilton’s Universal Tune Book vol. 1 (1853, p. 167) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A "With spirit"A|e2d (cBA)|GAB E3|(c/d/e)e e2c|(B/c/d)d d3| c2A ^d2B|edB z2z|g2f (e^d)c|BAG z2z| (c^de) B2a|gaf e3|(e^d)c (BAG)|(AGF) E3|| z2z z2B|f2e (dc)B|(cB)^A B3|e2d (cB)A| (BA)G A3|c2B A2F|dcB z2z|f2e (dc)B|A2G F3O|| |:(c/d/e)e e2c|(B/c/d)d d3|c2c (cBA)|(GA)B E3| A2c (FG)A|Bcd GAB|cde ABc|(de)f !fermata!e3| c2B d2c|f2e G3|e2d (cBA)|(BAG) A2!fine!O:| M:C L:1/8 "Adagio"f2e2G2A2|E3E A4|F2G2A3B|c2F2 ^E2z2| f3e d2 (cB)|F3F B2z2|z4 z2B2|e3E A3B|c>B B2 z4| ^B>B c2!fermata!F3G|A3A G4|ee ^d2 !fermata!c3F|G3 G c4!D.C.!||
Now Phoebus sinketh in the west: Annotations