Pearl of the White Breast (1) (The)
Pearl of the White Breast (1) (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Pearla an bhrollaigh bháin T:Pearl of the White Breast [1], The S:A manuscript collection lent to Mr. Pigot by James S:Hardiman, the historian of Galway and the editor S:of "Hardiman's Irish Minstrelsy" M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air B:Joyce - Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909, No. 752) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C A|G2 FEDC|c4 GA/_B/|A4 FG/A/|G2 FE D>C|C4 A2 {Bc}| G FEDC|c4 B>c|d4 de/f/|!fermata!e2 dcBA|G4 A2 {BcA}| G2 FEDC|c4 B>c|d4 de/f/|e2 dcBA|{ABG}G4 cd/e/| f2 g/f/e/f/e/d/ e/d/c/d/c/B/|c4 GA/_B/|\ L:1/16 A8 F3G/A/|G4 F2E2D2C2|C8||
Pearl of the White Breast (1) (The): Annotations