Pearl of the flowing tresses (The)
Pearl of the flowing tresses (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Péarla an chúil chraobhaigh T:Pearl of the Flowing Tresses M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air B:Petrie - Ancient Music of Ireland (1855, pp. 186-187) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Fmin C2|F2F2 (F>G)|A4 ec|(B2G2) (G>F)|E4 (FG)|A2A2 (GF)| (E2F2) (B>G)|(G2F2) F2|F4||:c2|f2f2f2|g4f2|(fe) (cB) (c=d) e4 !fermata!(f/e/d/>)c/|A2A2 (GF)|(E2F2) (B>G)|(G2F2)F2|F4:|]
X:1 T:Pearl of the flowing tresses, The M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:”Rather slow” S:O’Neill – Music of Ireland (1903), No. 284 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G "Rather Slow"D2 | G2G2 (G>A) | G4 fd | c2A2 A>G | F4 GA | B2B2 A>G | ^F2G2 c>A | A2G2G2 | G4 || d2 | g2g2g2 | a4 g2 | (gf) (dc) (d=e) | f4 g/f/d/>c/ | B2B2 AG | ^F2G2 (c>A) | A2 G2G2 | G4 ||
Pearl of the flowing tresses (The): Annotations