X: 1 % T:Portabella. PFD2.287 W:Longways for as many as will. L:1/4 B:Playford's Dancing Master, Vol 2, 1713-28 Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk N: * Shown as E sharp in the original, which was the convention of the time. M:C| Q:1/2=100 K:Gm B>A G/A/B/c/|dGGd|ggf>e|d>cBd| e>dcd|B2Ad|G(B/c/) B>A|A2-A2|| d>e f(e/d/)|c3 c/d/|edg>a|^f>"*"=e d>d| g>f e/d/c|f>e d/c/ B|c (d/A/) A>G|G2-G2|] W: W:Note: Each Strain is to be play'd twice over. W: W:The first Man cast off and go quite round the 2d Cu. to his own Place again, his Partner following W: him at the same Time .| Then the first Wo. do the same, and her Partner following her to W: their own Places as before :| Then the first Man Sett to his Partner, and both turn single, then W: both turn Hands .| The the first Cu. cross over below the 2s Cu. and Figure inn :|