Porter's Two-Step
X:1 T:Porter's Two-Step T:Porter's Reel N:From the playing of fiddler Stafford Harris (1927-2010, Nacogdoches County, N:east Texas), recorded by Charles D. Jones. M:C| L:1/8 R:Two-Step Q:"Quick" N:Play with lots of "Cajun swing" D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/porters-two-step D:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPFIVrjyaDo Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D (AB|d)BAD E-F[F2A2]|BFAF E-F[D2A2]|dBAD E-F[F2A2]|BFAF EF [D2A2]| BA+slide+[ee][ee] [ee]-[ef][e2e2]|[Be][ce]-[ce]e ([Be][ce])(cB|A2)AA faf-e|d6:| |:d2|ef-fa fedB|A6A2|[DA]-[DB]-[DB]A Bdef|g4- gagf| e4 (efe2)|[c3e3][Be]- [ce][Be]cB|A2 ee fafe|d6:||