Pretty Girls of the Village (2)
X:1 T:Pretty Girls of the Village [2] T:Michael Anderson's D:Denis Murphy - Music from Sliabh Luachra (RTE, 1995) R:reel Z:transcribed by Paul de Grae P:ABB M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D dedB|ABdf efdB|AFDE FE ~E2|ABdf efdf|afeg fd ~d2| |ABdf ~e2 dB|AFDE FE ~E2|ABdf efdf|afeg fd d2| |:fa ~a2 fb ~b2|afef dB ~B2|fa ~a2 fabf|afef [d3f3] e| fa ~a2 fabf|afdf dB ~B2|~A2 FA ABdf|afeg fd d2:|]