Punter's Run
X:1 T:Punter's Run N:From the playing of fiddler Estil Adams (Washington Courty House, N:central Ohio), M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoP_YcrKbPw N:at about 13:45 into the program Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G Bc|dedB c3A-|BcBA G2G2|AFAB cAFD|GABc d2Bc| dedB c2c>A|BcBA G2G2|AFAB cAFD|G2 ([GB]F) G2:| |:D-G[GB][GB] BGBG|DFAF AFAF-|DEFF ABAF| D-G[GB][GB] BGBG|DEFG AcBA|1G2[GB][GB][G2B2][GB][GB]:|2G2[GB][GB] [G2B2]||
X:1 T:Punter's Run N:From Estil Adams (Ohio) via fiddler Lynn Frederick M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:http://drdosido.net/fiddleclub/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Putners-Run.mp3 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G Bc|dcBd cBAc|BcBA [GA]-[FA][FA][EA]|DFAB cAFD|GABc d2Bc| dcBd cBAc|BcBA G2[FA][EA]|DFAB cAFD| [GA]-[GB][GB][GB][G2B2]:| |:DG[GB]G cGBG|DFAF BFAF|DFAF BFAF| DG[GB]G cGBG|DEFG AcBA|1G2[GB][GB][G2B2][GB][GB]:|2G2[GB][GB] [G2B2]||