Rags (The)

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 Theme code Index    51H3H3H 72H4H4H
 Also known as    Guenilles (Les), Guénille (La)
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    Canada
 Genre/Style    Québécois/Acadian
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    D
 Accidental    2 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4, 2/4
 History    CANADA(Québec)
 Structure    AABBCCCC, AA'BB'CC'
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Dave Reiner & Peter Anick
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Old Time Fiddling Across America
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 64
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1989
 Artist    Biography:Alfred Montmarquette
 Title of recording    La guénille
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Starr Records 15491 (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1928
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Guenilles, Les T:Rags, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:M. Beaudoin played each part three times. D:Philo Records - "Louis Beaudoin" (1973) D:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRhhNNiblxs Z:Andrew Kuntz K:D Acdd fdfd|cdef gfgB|Aceg fdfd|efec d2d2| Acdd fdfd|cdef gfg2|Aceg fdfd|1,2egec d2d2:|3egec d3|| |:a|a2ag fdfd|Acde gefg|abag fdfd|egec d3:| |:f|gage fgfg/f/|edcB Acef|gage f2 fg/f/|egec d3:|

X: 1 T: La Guenille O: Québec N: from a handwritten MS R: reel M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: D |: "D"Adde fdfd | "Em"Beef "A7"gece | "D"Adde fdfd |1 "A7"cdeg fdec :|2 "A7"cdec "D"d2AA || |: "D"a3g f2dd | "A7"cdef gece |"A7"a2ag "D"f2dd | "A7"cdec "D"d2AA| "D"a3g f2dd | "A7"cdef gece| "A7"abag "D"f2dd |2 "A7"cdec "D"d4|]

X:1 T:La Guenille M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D A|:Adde fdfd|cdef geeA|Adde fdfd|1 cdec dd (3BcB A :|2 cdec defg|| |:a3g f2fd|cdef gecA|a2ag fdfd|1 Acec defg:|2 Acec d2 ef || g3 e f3 d|edcB Acef|g2 ge fagf|1 egfd d2 ef :|2 egfe d3 A ||

X:1 T:Guenilles, Les M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:AAABBBCCC R:Dona Hebert - Sing Out (Autumn 2008 p. 71) K:D |:"D"(Acd)d fdfd|"A7"(cd)ef (gf) g2|(Ac)eg "D"fdfd|"A7"(eg)(ec) "D"d2d2:| "A7"cdef gfgB||(Ac)eg "D"f2 (3f(gf)||"A7"(Ac)eg "D"fdff||"A7"([Ae]g)([Ae]c) "D"d3e| |:"D"a2 (ag f)df(d"A7"Ac)ef (ge)(fg)|"D"(AB)(AG) fdfd|"A7"(eg)(ec) "D"d3e:|a3(g f)df(d|"A7"Ac)ef (ge)(fg)|| |:"G"(ga)(ge) "D"(fg) (3fgf|"A7"edcB Acef|"G"(ga)(ge) "D"f2 (3f(gf |"A7"eg)(ec) "D"d2 zf:| "G"[d4g4]"D"[d3f3]f||"G"g2 ge f.g (3fgf||"G"gage "D"f2 (3f(gf)||"A"gage "D"fafd||