Rakes of Newcastle West (The)
Rakes of Newcastle West (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Rakes of Newcastle West, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:Joyce – Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909) K:Gmix B2c AGF|DGG AGA|B3 cAc|d2g fdc| B2c AGF|DGG AGA|Bcd/B/ cAF|AGG G2z:| BAB cBc|d2g fde|f3g3|a2g fdc| BAB cBc|d2g fdc|Bcd/B/ cAF|AGG G2z| BAB cBc|d2g fde|f3g3|a2g fdc| dgg agg|a2g fdc|Bcd/B/ cAF|AGG G2z||
Rakes of Newcastle West (The): Annotations