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Rakish Paddy

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 Theme code Index    7b7b7b5 7b624
 Also known as    Cabar Féidh, Cameronian Rant (The), Caper Fey, Castle Street Reel, Deer's Horns (The), Glastertown's Downfall, Little White House under the Hill
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    Ireland
 Genre/Style    Irish
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    D
 Accidental    1 sharp
 Mode    Mixolydian
 Time signature    2/2
 Structure    AB, ABCD
 Editor/Compiler    Francis O'Neill
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 1533, p. 283
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1903
 Artist    Biography:James Morrison
 Title of recording    The Wheels of the World/Rakish Paddy
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Columbia Records CO 33422-F (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1930
Rakish Paddy

Played by: Francis O'Neill - Ward Irish Music Archive
Source: Soundcloud
Image: The Francis O'Neill Cylinders - Thirty-two Recordings of Irish Traditional Music in America, circa 1904.
 Score   (1)   
Rakish Paddy

X:0 T:Rakish Paddy M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:O'Neill – Dance Music of Ireland: 1001 Gems (1907), No. 749 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C V:1 clef=treble name="0." [V:1] cBcd cBAB|cAGF EFGc|Ad{e}dc defe|dcAG FGAB| cedB cBAB|cAGF EDCE|DEFG ABce|dcAG FD D2|| eg ~g2 agfg|efgf ec ~c2|ea a2 bgag|eaag (3efg dg| eg ~g2 agfg|efge defg|afge fdec|dcAG FD D2||

X:1 T:Rakish Paddy M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:Philip Carolan music manuscript collection N:Philip Carolan (c. 1839-1910, Ballyvicmaha, County Mayo), a musically literate N:farmer and fiddler who compiled his ms. probably during 1863-1873. S:Angela Buckley, thesis, “A Critical Edition of the Irish Music Manuscripts of S:Philip Carolan c. 1839-1910, vol. 2”, Waterford Institute of Technology, S:2007, p. 14. Carolan ms. 1, No. 38 K:C V:1 clef=treble name="1." [V:1] (c2 G)(c c2) (Gc)|(c2 G)F (EF)GE|A-(ddd) dcAds|dcAG FDDB| (c2G)(c c2) (Gc)|(c2 G)F (EF)GE|DEFG ABcA|1 dcAG FDDB:|2 dcAG FDDf|| |:(ec)gc acgc|ecgc ecce|afge fded|dcAG FDDf| ecgc ecgc|ecgc eccg|fdad fdad|fdad fddf| ~g3e a>baf|gedB ~c3d|(3efg ed cdcB|AGcG ((3EFG) AB:|]

X:2 T:Rakish Paddy M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:from one of James Morrison's handwritten manuscripts (1st half 20th cent.) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Dmix V:1 clef=treble name="2." [V:1] A>(BO|c2)(dcB cBA>)(B|c/d/c/B/ c>)(G EF) G2|A(d (3edc) de (=fe)| (dcA>)(G FGA>)(B|c2) (AB) ce (dB)|(c/d/c/B/ c>)(G EC ~C2)|(DEFG) (AB)cA| (d/e/d/c/) A>(G FD) DO:||:z|(eg ~g2) (ec ~c2)|ecgc (ec ~c2)|(ea ~a2) (ed ~d2)| edad (ed ~d2)|(eg ~g2) (ec ~c2)|(Gc ~c2) (ec ~c2)|(eg ~g2) d=fec| (dc)A>(G FD) D||(B|c2) gc acgc|(3ccc gc (dcAc)|d2 ad bd ad| (3ddd ag ed(AB)|c2 gc acgc|(eg ~g2) de(fg)| ((3agf (3gfe) d=f ec|

X:3 T:Rakish Paddy M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Jerry O'Brien - Irish Folk Dance Music (Boston, 1952, No. 166) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Ddor V:1 clef=treble name="3." [V:1] AB|:c2 cB c2 AB|cBAG EG G2|Add^c d2 (3B=c^c|dBAG ^FDAB| cedB c2 AB|cBAG EG G2|DE^FG ABc^c|1 dBAG ^FDAB:|2 dBAG ^FD D2|| |:eggg agg^f|egg^f ed d2|eaaa baag|gaag ed d2| eggg agg^f|egge de^fg|a^fge fde^c|1 dBAG ^FD D2:|2 dBAG ^FDAB|| |:c2 gc ecgc|ecgc ec c2|d2 ad fdad|fdad ec c2| c2 gc ecgc|ecge de^fg|a^fge fde^c|dBAG ^FD D2:| |:eggg ec c2|ecgc ec c2|faaa fd d2|fdad fd d2| eggg ec c2|ecge de^fg|a^fge fde^c|1 dBAG ^FD D2:|2 dBAG ^FDAB||

X:4 T:Rakish Paddy B:Ceol Rince na heireann I, no. 145 N:translation of note in Irish: "This is originally Scottish. O'Neill says N:that Bremner published it in the year 1768 under the name 'Caper Fey' N:in the 'Second Collection of Scots Reels or Country Dances' and that N:it was usual for the correct version of the name, 'Cabair Fe/igh' or N:'The Deer's Horns', to be used in books of music for the Highland N:pipes ['don phi'ob mho/r']. He is wrong in saying that a version of N:this reel is 'Sporting Pat' [O'Neill's 'Irish Music' no. 297]. That reel N:is much closer to 'The Copperplate' than to 'Rakish Paddy' [O'Neill's N:'Waifs & Strays...', no. 269]. Other names for this tune are 'The Castle N:Street Reel' and 'Glastertown's Downfall'." S:Willie Clancy, pipes R:reel M:4/4 L:1/8 Z:transcribed by Paul de Grae K:Dmix V:1 clef=treble name="4." [V:1] c3 B c2 AB|(3cBA BG EG ~G2|Add^c d2 (3gfe|d^cAG FD ~D2| dAAB c3 e|dAAG FD ~D2|D2 ~D2 ABcA|d^cAG FD D2|| cAAB cAAB|cAGE ED D2|Ad (3efe d^cAd|d^cAG (3EFG AB| c3 B cBAB|(3cBA BG EG ~G2|D2 ~D2 AB (3cBA|d^cAG FD D2|| eg ~g2 ag ~g2|eg ~g2 edcd|eaaa ba ~a2|ea ~a2 ed (3B^cd| eg ~g2 af (3gfe|fde^c defg|af (3gfe fde^c|d^cAG FD D2|| eg ~g2 ag ~g2|eg ~g2 ed (3B^cd|ea ~a2 b2 ag|ea ~a2 ed (3B^cd| eg ~g2 ea ~a2|gfe^c defg|a2 (3gfe fd (3ed^c|d^cAG FD D2||

X: 5 T:Rakish Paddy R:reel H:The tune comes from the Scottish tune "Cabar Feidh" (The Deer's Antlers). H:It is related to "The Copperplate", #308. H:This is the standard version with variations. H:See also #54 (4-part version), #647 (Donegal version) Z:id:hn-reel-53 M:C| K:Dmix V:1 clef=treble name="5." [V:1] c3B c2AB|cBAG EG~G2|Add^c de=fe|dcAG FGAB| c3B c2AB|cBAG EFGE|DEFG ABcA|1 dcAG FGAB:|2 dcAG FDD2|| |:eg~g2 ag~g2|eg~g2 edBd|ea~a2 bgag|eaag edBd| eg~g2 ag~g2|egge defg|afge fde^c|1 dcAG FDD2:|2 dcAG FGAB|| P:"Variations:" cAAB cAAB|cAAG EG~G2|Add^c de^fe|dcAG FGAB| cAAB cAAB|cAAG EFGE|D2 (3EFG ABcA|dcAG FGAB| c2AB cded|cABG EG~G2|Add^c d2 (3g^fe|dcAG FGAB| c2AB cded|cABG EFGE|FD (3EFG ABcA|dcAG FDD2|| |:eg~g2 ag~g2|eg~g2 eA (3Bcd|eaag ~a3g|ea~a2 eA (3Bcd| efge afge|fde^c defg|afge fde^c|1 dcAG FDD2:|2 dcAG FGAB||

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