Rob an Lugy
X:1 T:Rob an Lugy M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Duncan McKercher – A Collection of Original Stathspeys and Reels (Edinburgh, 1824, p. 12) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A e|A/A/A Tc2 e>a c>A|A/A/A Tc2 d>=g B>G|A/A/A Tc2 e>a e>f| =g>a e>f g>dB>G|A/A/A Tc2 e>a c>A|A/A/A Tc2 d>=g B>G| A/A/A Tc2 e>a e>f|=g>ae>f g>dB>G||a2 ef/^g a>ec>A| A2 ef =g>dB>G|a2 ef/^g/ a>ef>d|e>ac>a d>=g BG| A2 ef/^g/ a>ec>A|a2 e>f =g>dB>G|a2 e>=g f>be>g|f>ae>f =g>dB>G||
X:1 % T:Rob an Lugi M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Stewart-Robertson – The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A e|A/A/A c2 e>a c>A|A/A/A c2 d>=g B=G|A/A/A c2 e>ac>a| =g>a ef g>dB>=G:|a2 ef/g/ a>ec>A|a2 e>f =g>dB>=G| !1 a2 ef/g/ a<e f>d|e>ac>a d=g B>=G:|2 a2 e<=g f>be>g|f>ae>f =g>dB>=G||