Separation of Soul and Body
X:1 T:Separation of soul & body, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Air N:Obtained by Goodman from the music manuscript collection of John Edward Pigot. B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, Book 2, p. 93 (mid-19th century) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K: Gdor d2g2 gfga|b2 gf f2 fg|b2 ag f2 dc|cdfg b3a| g2 gf d2 cB|Bcde f2 ag|fdcB A2 GF|G2 g2g2|| GF|D2G2 GFGA|B2 AG G2 FG|Bcde fdg2|g4 g3d| B2 AG G2 AB|cAGF F2 fe|fdcA G>FDF|G4 G2||
T:Separation of Soul and Body
N:”Attributed to Carolan”
S:Stanford/Petrie (1905), No. 671
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
d2g2 gfga | b2ag g2fg | b2ag f2dc | cd fg b3a |
g2gf d2cB | Bcde f2ag | fdcB A2GF | G2g2 g4 :|
|: D2G2 GFGA | B2AG G2FG | Bcde fdg2 | g6 d2 |
B2AG G2AB | cAGF F2fe | fdcA GFDF | G2A2 G4:|]