X: 1
T:Sir Sydney's Smiths Escape. EHo.229
A:England; East Yorkshire
B:Edward Holmes MS, c1846, Beverley, Yorkshire.
N:During the French Revolutionary Wars, Sydney Smith specialised in inshore
N: operations, and on 19 April 1796, he was captured while attempting
N:to cut out a French ship in Le Havre. Instead of exchanging him as was the
N:custom, Smith was taken to the Temple prison in Paris to be charged with
N:arson for his burning of the fleet at Toulon. He was held in Paris for two years,
N:despite a number of efforts to exchange him and frequent contacts with both
N:French Royalists and British agents. Eventually in 1798, he was helped to
N:escape by the Royalists, who pretended to be taking him to another prison.
N:Instead, they brought him to Le Havre, where he boarded an open fishing boat
N:and was picked up on 5 May by HMS Argo on patrol in the English Channel,
N: arriving in London on 8 May 1798. (Wickipedia)
N:NB1 = unmarked triplet in MS.
Z:Village Music Project 2018, Jake Wade. Beverley, East Yorks
E | Ac Tc2 dBTB2 | cAGA {c/}(B/A/G/F/) E.E | Ac Tc2 dB TB2 |\
d/c/B/A/ G/A/B/G/ AE/C/ A,2 :|
|: e | .a.g.f.e .d.c.B.A | .e.cac (cB).B.e |
(3a/b/a/ (3g/a/g/ (3f/g/f/ (3e/f/e/ (3d/e/d/ (3c/d/c/ "NB1"(3B/c/B/ A>B | .c(c/d/) .B(B/c/) A/E/C/E/ A, :|
|: (A/B/) | c/A/c/A/ c/A/c/A/ d/B/d/B/ d/B/d/B/ | c/A/c/A/ c/A/c/A/ G/A/B/G/ E/G/A/B/ |
c/A/c/A/ c/A/c/A/ d/B/d/B/ d/B/d/B/ | d/c/B/A/ G/A/B/G/ A/E/C/E/ A, :|