Sitting in a Tree Stand

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 Theme code Index    5563 3333
 Also known as    
 Composer/Core Source    Biography:Clarence Gould
 Region    Canada
 Genre/Style    Québécois/Acadian
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    D
 Accidental    2 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 History    CANADA(Maritimes/English)
 Structure    AB
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Joel Cormier
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Acadian Accordion Music in South Eastern New Brunswick
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 32, p. 125
 Year of publication/Date of MS    2011
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Sitting in a Tree Stand S:Accordion player Clarence Gould (New Brunswick) M:C L:1/8 F: B:Joel Cormier - "Acadian Accordion Music in South Eastern New Brunswick" (2011, Phd Thesis, p. 125) Z:abc’s AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D FG||SAF/A/- A/F/A/d/ BAFA|FD/F/- F/D/F/A/ F2 FG|AF/A/- A/F/A/d/ BAFA|GE/G/- G/E/G/B/ G2 EF| GE/G/- G/E/G/B/ GFEF|GE/G/- G/E/G/B/ GFEF|GE/G/- G/E/G BBA2|FdcB A2 FG| AF/A/- A/F/A/d/ BAFA|FD/F/- F/D/F/A/ F2 FG|AF/A/- A/F/A dd c2|BG/B/- B/G/B/c/ B2 Bc| dB/d/- d/B/d/f/ edcB|AF/A/- A/F/A/d/ BA GB/G/|FA- A/F/A/F GECE|DF/F/- F/F/F !fine!FGB=c| K:G dB/d/- d/B/d/g/ edBd|BG/B/- B/G/B/d/ B2 Bc|dB/d/- d/B/d/g/ edBd|cA/c/- c/A/c/e/ c2AB| cA/c/- c/A/c/e/ cBAB|cA/c/- c/A/c/e/ cBAB|cA/c/- c/A/c eed2|Bgfe d2 Bc| dB/d/- d/B/d/g/ edBd|BG/B/- B/G/B/d/ B2 Bc|dB/d/- d/B/d ggf2|ec/e/- e/c/e/f/ e2 ef| ge/g/- g/e/g/b/ agfe|dB/d/- d/B/d/g/ ed ce/c/|Bd- d/B/d/B/ cAFA|GB/B/- B/B/B B2 FG!D.S!||