South Shore (2) (The)
X:1 T:South Shore Hornpipe [2] M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe C:James Hill N:The title refers to the south shore of the Tyne. B:Lister MS (East Bolden, Northumberland, mid-19th century, p. 45) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D A|dfaf gfeg|fdAG FGAd|BGBG FAdf|gfed dcBA| dfaf gfeg|fdAG FGAd|BGBG FAdf|gedc d2:| |:fg|a2 fa dafa|dafa bagf|g2 eg cgeg|cgeg agfe| a2 fa dafa|dafa bagf|gfga gbag|fedc d2||