X:1 T:Stackolee N:From the playing of Rector Hicks (1914-1989, born in Calhoun County, N:West Virginia, in the 1940's moved to Akron, Ohio. Mentored by his older N:cousin Laurie Hicks and Ed Haley. Recorded by Joe LaRose and Kerry N:Blech in the 1970's and early 1980's. M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Blues D:Field Recorders Collective FRC 709, Rector Hicks - Sugar in the Morning (2015). D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C A[_EB]-|[=E2c2]cd eded|c2 cd cBAB|cdcA G2+slide+ED|[C4E4][C2E2][CD]-[CE]| [C2F2]FG AFAB|[E3c3]d [E2c2]AB|[Ec]dc2 G2+slide+ED|[C3E3]D E2F2| G2A-B- BdBA|[G6B6]([GA]B)|c2A2G2 ED|[C6E6]:| |:A[_EB]-|[=E2c2][E2c2] +slide+[e4g4]|[c6e6]cd|c2A2G2+slide+E2|[C6E6]DE| +slide+[A2c2][Ac][Ac] dcA2|[E6c6]cB|ABcc dcA2|[E6c6]D2| g2ga baba|g2g2 agef|gage dcA2|[E2c2]dd edcA|[E6c6]:|