Stick the Minister (1)
% +&S&tick the &M&inr.+ % % *SETT to your Partner, and cast off; that again. *Cross up one pair, and sett; % that again. *THREE hands round with the first Woman, as much with the second % Man. *Lead out at both Sides. % @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ X:2 T:Stick the Minister M:C| L:1/8 Z: K:Amin c |A/c/d dd e2 de |f>gTe>d g/f/e/d/ ce |d/d/d dd e2 ed/e/ |ff g/f/e/d/ T^c>BA:| f/g/|a>ba>f g>ag>e|f>gf>d g/f/e/d/ cf/g/|aa b/a/g/f/ gg a/g/f/e/|ff g/f/e/d/ T^c>BA:|
X: 1 T:Stick the Minister [1] B:RC1.197 F:file ID roche.1/173stick Q:90 L:1/16 M:2/4 R:reel K:D "reel" Adde f2 ed|f2 fa ge e2|Adde f2 ef|gfed cA A2:| a2 af g2 fg|a2 af ge e2|a2 af g2 ef|gfed cA A2| a2 af g2 fg|a2 af geea|gfef gfed|cdAG FD D2|]