User Tune Books {{#formlink:form=Tbook|link text=Create your own Tune Book|link type=button|query string=Tbook[tune_book_name]=Pippo|returnto=Tune books/Printing}}
How to print a Tune page
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Printing a web page is quite simple if you use a modern browser, running on any operating system installed on a decent computer.
However, if you only want to print the scores contained in a web page then the site that publishes them must implement some strategy to make this possible.
Here at the TTA we have basically two types of pages:
Tune information pages: they contain a summary sheet of all the properties of the Tune and the score for the tune itself.
Tune annotations pages: they contain annotation, comments, anecdotes and semantic links to alternative titles, alleged composers and/or geographical provenance, of the same tune.
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If you send a Tune information page to a printer you get the printing of only the score
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If you send a Tune annotation page to a printer, you will get the score complete with annotation, comments, anecdotes and alternative titles, alleged composers and/or geographical provenance, of the same tune.
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TTA has two or three methods for printing:
Using the print commands of your browser or PC (e.g. CTRL+P)
Use the "Print page" command on the left side of the Sidebar.
The latter option allows you to choose the printing options in a popup before printing.
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If you are in the ABCSandbox, you can click on the button provided by the ABC Editor page