Three Girls of Portree (The)
X:1 T:Three Girls of Portree, The M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:”Communicated by Miss MacLean of Cull” N:”A Skye Air.” B:Gow – Sixth Collection of Strathspey Reels (1822) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F F|c2 cA {A}c2 FA|c2 cA G<G d2|c2 c>B AfcA|dG G>A G<G d2| c3 cA {A}c2 FA|c2 cA G<G d2|c2 c>B AF cA|dG G>A G<G de|| {e}f2 cA f2 (3cde|f2 cA G<G d>e|f2 (3cde f>g a>g|fd cA G<G d>e| f2 cA f2 ca|f2 cA G<G d>e|f.g a>g fdd>f|c>dcA GG d2||