Trip to the Cottage (1)

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 Theme code Index    5342 5L7L32
 Also known as    Self (1) (The), Turas 'un tí
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    England, Ireland
 Genre/Style    English, Irish
 Meter/Rhythm    Jig/Quadrille
 Key/Tonic of    G
 Accidental    1 sharp
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    6/8
 History    IRELAND(Munster), ENGLAND(North East), ENGLAND(North West), ENGLAND(East Anglia)
 Structure    AABB
 Editor/Compiler    Edward Riley
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Riley's Flute Melodies vol. 2
 Tune and/or Page number    pp. 20-21
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1817
 Artist    Biography:Tom Ennis & James Morrison
 Title of recording    Maid on the Green/Trip to the Cottage/Wedding Trip
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Columbia A3773 (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1922
Maid on the Green/Trip to the Cottage/Wedding Trip. Tom Ennis & James Morrison (Columbia A3773)
 Score   (1)   

X: 1 T:Trip to the Cottage [1],A. RH.014 A:Temple Sowerby,Cumbria L:1/8 M:6/8 N:The last note of the A music was a quaver. PJH. O:England Q:3/8=120 R:Jig S:Rev.R.Harrison's MS,c1815,Cumbria Z:vmp.Simon Wilson. Review PJH, 2008. %%TBL:{"version":"beta","type":"tune","id":"8585"} K:G B/c/|dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|GBB A>Bc|! dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|BGG G2:|! |:((3d/e/f/)|gfe d2B|edc Bcd|ecG dBG|FAG FED|! gfe d2B|edc Bcd|efg fdf|ed^c " DC"d2:|

X:1 T:Trip to the Cottage [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:Patrick McGahon music manuscript collection (1817, No. 56) N:McGahon was a scribe of Irish language literature who lived in N:Dungooley, County Louth, on the Armagh border. He was a N:teacher with The Irish Society in the early 19th century, but little N:else is known about him. A few tunes in the ms. are written in other N:hands. B:Pádraigín Ní UIallacháin – “A Hidden Ulster” (2003, p. 451) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B/c/|dBB BGG|cAA FDD|DGG FAA|GBB ABc| dBB BGG|cAA FAD|DGG FAA|BGG G2:| |:de/f/|gfe d2B|edc Bcd|ecA dBG|cAG FAD| gfe d2B|edc Bcd|efg fdf|ed^c d2!D.C.!||

X: 1 T:Trip To The Cottage. RHu.118 S:R.Hughes MS,1823,Whitchurch,Shrops. N:cr at bar eight is dotted in ms. rest added at end of bar sixteen A:Whitchurch, Shropshire Z:Tony Weatherall 2006 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=120 R:Jig K:G d|dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|BAA A2d|! dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|BGG ""G2:|! |:d|gfe dcB|cAA BGG|gfe dcB|cAA A2d|! gfe dcB|cde d2d|efg fge|""d3-dz:|

X: 1 T:Trip to the Cottage. CJF.011 R:Jig S:C.J.Fox MS, 1829/33, Beverley,E.Yorks. N:Penultimate note c has # faintly marked above. B:Kidson Coll.Mitchell Lib.M1805 O:England A:East Yorkshire Z:vmp.P J Headford 2000 & 2008 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=120 K:G (B/c/)|\ (dB).B (BG).G|(cA).A (AF).D|(DG).G (FA).A|(GB).BA2(B/c/)|! (dB).B (BG).G|(cA).A (AF).D|(DG).G (FA).A|(BG).GG2:|! |:d|(gf).ed2B|(ed).c (Bc).d|(ec).A (dB).G|(FA).FD2d|! (gf).ed2B|(ed).c (Bc).d|(ef).g (fe).d|(e" D Capo"d).cd2:|

X: 1 T:Trip to the Cottage,aka. GS.049 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:George Spencer m/s, Leeds,1831 R:Jig O:England A:Leeds N:Title could be 'The Cottagers' - possibly it's a version of 'The Trip N:to the Cottage' H:1831 Z:vmp.Cherri Graebe K:G major d | dBB BGG | cAA AFF | DGG FAA | GBB ABc | dBB BGG |cAA AFD | DGG FAA | BGG G2 :|| d | gfe d2 B | edc Bcd |ecA dBG | FAG FED | gfe d2 B | edc Bcd | efg fag | ge^c "DC"d2 ||

X:124 T:Trip to the Cottage O:No 124 Wm Clarke MS Feltwell, Norfolk (c. 1820-1850) N:Spelt Cotage in MS Z: transcribed by Lyn Law M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|GBB ABc| dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|BGG G3:| |:gfe dcB|edc Bcd|ecA dBG|GFG AFD| gfe dcB|edc Bcd|efg fed|ed^c d3:|

X: 1 T:Trip to the Cottage. AJH.030 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=120 S:A.J.Hughes MS N:MS gives 2 lines with D.C. at end. N:I therefore have put in the extra A music line. O:England A:North Shropshire Z:Neil Brookes 2006 K:G B/2c/2|dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|GBB A2 B/2c/2| dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|BGGG2:| d|gfe d2B|edc Bcd|ecA ecG|FAG FED| gfe d2B|edc Bcd|efg fdf|edc d2||! B/2c/2|dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|GBB A2 B/2c/2| dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|BGGG2|]

X:1 T:Trip to the Cottage [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:The mid-19th cent. music manuscript collection of James Goodman (County Cork, p. 110) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B/c/|dcB B2d|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|GBB ABc| dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FGA|BGG G2:| |:d|gfe d2d|edc Bcd|ecA dBG|FAG FED| gfe d2d|edc Bcd|efg fag|ge^c d2:|]

X:12 T:Trip to the Cottage. GHW.012 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=120 B:George H.Watson,MS,Swanton Abbott,Norfolk,c1890 R:.Jig A:England; Norfolk Z:Village Music Project, Taz Tarry, 2000 K:G d|dBB BGG|cAA AFD|DGG FAA|BBB A2 d| dBB BGG|dAA AFD|DGG FAA|BGG G2:| d|gfe dcB|edc Bcd|edA dBG|FAA A2d| gfe dcB|edc Bcd|efg agf|edc d3||g2g2g2|]

X:1 T:Trip to the Cottage [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G B|ded BGB|cBc AFA|DGG FAA|GBB ABc| ded BGB|cBc AFA|DGG FGA|BGF G2:| |:d|gfe d^cd|edc Bcd|ecA BAG|FAG FED| gfe d^cd|edc Bcd|efg eag|fd^c d2:|]