Twine weel the PlaidenClick on the tune title to see or modify Twine weel the Plaiden's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Twine weel the PlaidenQuery the Archive
T:Twine weel the Plaiden
B:Scots Musical Museum, vol I, 1787, no 31
N:Roud 8522
N:The grace notes in the final bar should be attached *after* the E rather than *before* the D, but current abc doesn't seem to allow this.
Z:Malcolm Douglas (Mudcat 01.25.05)
(D/E/)|F A {G}F (E/D/) E(F/A/) B3/2 B/|A3/2 B/ {B}A (G/F/) {F}A2 D D/E/|
w:O!_ I hae lost my_ sil-ken_ snood, That tied my hair sae_ yel-low, I-'ve
F (F/G/) {G}F E/ D/ E (F/A/) B3/2 B/|A3/2 B/ (A/B/d/F/) {F}A2 D (A/B/4c/4)|
w:gi'en my_ heart tae the lad I_ loo'ed; he was a gal_lant_ fel-low. And__
d3/2 e/ d (c/B/) {d}c(B/A/) A (B/c/)|d3/2 e/ {e}d (c/B/) {B}e2 A (B/c/)|
w:twine it weel, my_ bon-ny_ dow, And_ twine it weel, the_ plai-den; The_
d (d/e/) {e}d (c/B/) {c}BA Hf (e/d/)|d3/2B/ (B/A/) (d/F/) TE2 {DE}D2|]
w:las-sie_ lost her_ silk-en snood, In_ pu-ing of_ the_ brack-en.
X: 1
O: 1806
B: "Caledonian Musical Repository", 1806, p.146-148
Z: 2013 John Chambers <>
%%maxshrink 0.1
M: C
L: 1/16
F: c
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(DE) | F2 A2 {G}F2 (ED) E2 (FA) B3 B |
w: O* I hae lost my* silk-en* snood, That
A3 B {B}A2 (GF) {F}A4 D2 (DE) | F2 (FA) {G}F2 E D
w: tied my hair sae* yel-low; I've* gien my* heart to the
%page 147
E2 (FA) B3 B | A3 B (ABd) F {F}A4 D2 |]
w: lad I* lo'ed, He was a gal-**lant fel-low.
(AB/c/) | d3 e d2 (cB) {d}c2 (BA) A2 (Bc) |
w: And** twine it weel, my* bon-ny* dow, And*
d3 e {e}d2 (cB) {B}e4 A2 (Bc) | d2 (de) {e}d2 (cB)
w: twine it weel, the* plaid-en; The* las-sie* lost her*
{c}B2 A2 Hf2 (fe) | d3 B (BA) (dF) TE4 {DE} D2 |]
w: silk-en snood, In* pu'-ing o'* the* brack-en.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
W: He prais'd my een sae bonny blue,
W: Sae lily-white my skin, O,
W: And syne he pried my bonny mou',
W: And swore it was nae sin, O.
W: And twine, &c.
%page 148
W: But he has left the lass he lo'ed,
W: His ain true-love forsaken,
W: Which gars me sair to greet the snood
W: I lost amang the bracken.
W: And twine, &c.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -