User:Barry Shultz
My name is Barry Shultz. I was born in 1952 in Fresno California, where I am now residing. I was raised in a fundamentalist church and grew up singing the old hymns. I began to play the harmonica when I was about twelve years of age and started playing the guitar a few years later. In my late twenties, I began to play the fiddle. I worked as a nurseryman in those years. I lived up and down the west coast, playing the fiddle and digging deep into old time southern fiddle music In the early eighties, I moved to Seattle Washington egan toand became part of a large and thriving old time music scene. While living in Seattle I began to work in the violin trade,learning to repair and restore violins. In 2003 I moved back to my native home in California, and I am continuing to work at making and restoring violins.