Woman's the ManClick on the tune title to see or modify Woman's the Man's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Woman's the ManQuery the Archive
T:Woman’s the Man, The
R:Country Dance Tune
B:Thomas Bray – “Country Dances” (London, 1699)
N:The volume was dedicated to the 10 yr. old Duke of
N:Gloucester, William Henry, son of Queen Anne.
N:Bray was a theatrical dancer and dancing master in
N:London in the 1690’s.
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
GA BG d2B2|e2 fg f4|gd eB cA BF|GE AG F2D2|
GA BG d2B2|e2 fg f4|ghfed ^cAdB|^cded d4:|
|:afdf g2f2|egfe ^d4|eBcA BGAB|AGFE E4|
cBAG F2D2|GABc d4|BcdB efed|cBAG G4:|]