__SHOWINDRILLDOWN__ abc:Tune (abc | The Abc Semantic Vocabulary) {{#drilldowninfo:filters=Region (property=It_comes_from), Genre (property=Has_genre), Rhythm (property=Has_rhythm), |title=Down The Tune Hole}} This category uses the form Abc tune.
Pages in category "Tune"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 57,870 total.
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- 'A Bhean a Bh'aig an Tàillear Chaol
- 'A' and 'D' Cotillion
- 'A' and 'E' Rag
- 'A' and 'E' Waltz
- 'A' Polka (2)
- 'A' Waltz
- 'A', 'E' and 'D' Quadrille
- 'Ar Éirinn Ni 'Neosfainn Ce Hi
- 'Bhliadhu' Ur
- 'D' & 'A' Polka
- 'D' & 'G' Two-Step
- 'Lasses Cane
- 'Mhoidh
- 'Neath the Moonlight
- 'Nuair bhi's cach na'n cadal samhach
- 'Null air na h' eileannan dh'America gun tein sinn
- 'S beag mo shunnd' ris a chadal
- 'S cianail m' aigne
- 'S fheudar dhomh fhein a bhi falbh
- 'S maith duine og
- 'S math an là fhuair m' eudail
- 'S mi cragan na sgurra
- 'S mi ga m' iomagan a' m' leabaidh
- 'S mithich dhomh bhi togail orm
- 'S neonach le Clann dònaii mi
- 'S ole a chuir a mhire ruim
- 'S sad tha mi m'onaran
- 'S toigh leam fein mo laochan
- 'S toigh leam ghein an t-Siosalach
- 'S truagh a righ! mo nighean donn
- 'S truagh gun d' thug thusa 's mise gaol
- 'S truagh nach èil bodaich an domhain
- 'S tu mo iuaidh na faighinn thu
- 'S' coma leam do bhean taighe
- 'Scann agam tha 'bheanag is maisiche suil
- 'Scian 'sgur sad tha mi m' thàmh
- 'Scian fada fada o'n uiridh
- 'Se Alasteir mo voghaime
- 'Se Coinneach òg a shuiar an togail
- 'Se Niall a dhuisg mi
- 'Slionar eubh' agus iolach
- 'Smairg a chiùrradh spiocaire
- 'Smi gabhail an rathaid
- 'Solc a shuair mi tùs a gheamhraidh
- 'Sé fáth mo bhuartha
- 'Sé gaol a' bhodaich Fionnlagh
- 'Tis a bit of a thing
- 'Tis a gift to be simple
- 'Tis a Joyful Night
- 'Tis a pity I don't see my love
- 'Tis a pity to see
- 'Tis all but a Dream
- 'Tis all for the love of the widow
- 'Tis I your lover
- 'Tis little for glory I care
- 'Tis me that's happy
- 'Tis my bitter sorrow
- 'Tis my delight on a rainy night
- 'Tis not your gold would me entice
- 'Tis sweet to think
- 'tis the last rose of summer
- 'Tis the last rose of summer
- 'Tis the whiskey that makes life's cares lie light on me
- 'Tis time to go home
- 'Tit Ardoin Two-Step
- 'Tit Galop Pour Pointe Aux Pins
- 'Tit Maurice
- 'Tit Monde
- 'Tite Canaille
- 'Tits Yeux Bleus
- 'Twas in the end of King James's Street
- 'Twas Judy O Brady
- 'Twas on a summer evening (1)
- 'Twas on a summer evening (2)
- 'Twas on a Summer Morning
- 'Twas on a windy night
- 'Twas on the first of May brave boys
- 'Twas so different in the morning
- 'Twas when the sea was roaring
- 'Twas within a Furlong of Edinburgh Town
- 'Twas Within a Mile
- 'Twas within a mile of Edinboro town
- 1/8th Fiddle (The)
- 10th Brigade Highland Light Infantry Crossing the Rhine (The)
- 11th October (The)
- 11th of October
- 11th of September (The)
- 12th of August (1) (The)
- 12th of August (2)
- 14th of October (The)
- 156th Brigage at the Battle of Romani (The)
- 1812 March
- 1st of May (The)
- 1st Royal's Farewell to Glasgow
- 1ère partie du Quadrille des Lanciers
- 20th of May (The)
- 21 Highland
- 21st of October (The)
- 22nd of February (The)
- 22nd of March
- 22nd Regiment's Quick Step (The)
- 24 Juin (Le)
- 25th King's Own Scottish Borderer's Farewell To Meerut (The)
- 28th of January (The)
- 29th November (The)
- 2nd Battalion Scotch Brigade (The)
- 2ème Partie de Saratoga
- 2ème partie du Set carré à Pitou Boudreault
- 6/8 d'André Alain (1)
- 6/8 d'Eric Corrigan
- 6/8 de Valcartier (1)
- 6/8 de Valcartier (2)
- 6/8 de Valcartier (3)
- 6/8 des voltigeurs
- 6/8 en Ré (1)
- 6/8 en Ré (2)
- 6/8 pour Linda Breitag
- 6/8 St-Germain
- 6/8 à Thomas Giroux
- 60 Roses all in a Roe
- 60 Times Around the Sun
- 65e régiment (Le)
- 69th Street Polka
- 6:30 AM Waltz (The)
- 6ieme Fête à Emma (La)
- 6ème partie de Quadrille à la Soucy
- 71st Highlander's Quick Step
- 72nd Highlander's Farewell to Punna (The)
- 72nd Highlanders' Farewell to Edinburgh (The)
- 72nd's Farewell to Aberdeen (The)
- 73rd Regiment's March (The)
- 74th Highlander's March
- 74th Highlander's Quickstep (The)
- 74th's Farewell to Edinburgh
- 78th Highlander's March
- 78th's Farewell to Belgaum (The)
- 79th Highlander's March
- 79th's Farewell to Gibraltar (The)
- A 'cheud luan do'an ràidh
- A 1 Hornpipe
- A A Cameron's Strathspey
- A Andy O
- A Bhean an Taigh Nach Leig Thu Steach
- A Bhean-a-tighe
- A Caillig Do Marbuigis Me
- A chailleach do mharaís mé
- A cho-dhalta mo ruin! Seachainn an dun!
- A Cladaire na Bain Liom
- A Dhomhnuill a Dhomhnuill
- A Dhonnchadh na bi Fogarthach
- A do-Ade-a do dh'fhalbh mi
- A ei di'r deryn du (2)
- A ei di’r deryn du (1)
- A G A Quadrille
- A Ghaoith o'n Deas
- A h-Uischidh Chroidhe na n-Anmann
- A hAon sa dó na Píobaireachta
- A J and Jeanette Beaton's
- A la Mode de France
- A Leanb Mo Croide
- A M Shinnie
- A Mhaire ni Chuillionain
- A Mhairead Og
- A Mhairi Bhan Og
- A Mhisg a Chur an Nolig Oirn
- A Mhuirnin
- A Mhuirnin Dilis
- A Mháire! is deas do gháire
- A Mháire’s a Mhúirnín
- A nochd gur faoin mo chadal dhomh
- A San Malo a Bord de Mer
- A Sheadhain, a bhrathair Ghaoil
- A Sheumais a Ghradh
- A Thaidhg a Rún
- A tá rmólín i sciúmair &c.
- A U Hinny Burd
- A' Bhanais Irteach
- A' Bhliadhna Gus an Aimfir Fo
Media in category "Tune"
The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.
Astley's Ride.mp3 1 min 12 s; 1.1 MB
Astleys Ride.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 37 KB
Gippy get Your Hair Cut.pdf 1,239 × 1,754; 37 KB
Granny Will Your Dog Bite.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 41 KB
Haste to the Wedding.mp3 2 min 38 s; 2.42 MB
Haste to the Wedding.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 3 pages; 67 KB
Home Brew Rag.mp3 1 min 44 s; 1.59 MB
Home Brew Rag.pdf 1,239 × 1,754; 43 KB
Largos Fairy Dance.mp3 1 min 13 s; 1.11 MB
Largos Fairy Dance.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 62 KB
Si Bheag Si Mhor.pdf 1,239 × 1,754; 30 KB
The Blackbird.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 5 pages; 118 KB
The Irish Washerwoman.mp3 4 min 5 s; 3.73 MB
The Teetotallers Reel.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 58 KB
Turkey in the straw.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 53 KB