Annotation:Concert Reel (2)

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X:2 T:The Concert Reel [2] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel K:Ador EAAB AGEF | GABG AGAB | dBAB GFGB | d3e dBAc | BAGB AGEF | GBGB A2 (3Bcd | e2 af gedB | GBeB BA A2 :| |: ea (3aaa b2 ag | eaaf gedg | eg (3gfg a2 ga | bgab gedg | ea (3aba ea (3aba | edef ge d2 | gfge dege | dBGA BA A2 :|

CONCERT REEL [2], THE. Irish, Reel. A Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - piper Willie Clancy (1918-1973, Miltown Malbay, West Clare) [Mitchell].

Printed sources : - McGuire & Keegan (Irish Tunes by the 100, vol. 1), 1975; No. 61, p. 16. Mitchell (Dance Music of Willie Clancy), 1993; No. 9, p. 33.

Recorded sources : - Shanachie Records SHA 79006, Mary Bergin - "Feadoga Stain" (1979). Wild Asparagus 003, Wild Asparagus - "Tone Roads" (1990).

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