Annotation:Money Musk (3)
X:1 T:Money Musk S:Henry Reed (Glen Lyn, southwest Virginia) M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel F:,-0.034,1.23,0.707,0 Z:Transcribed by Alan Jabbour K:A (e/f/g/|a)>e f>g a>e c>e a>e =g>e B>c d((3e/f/^g/)|a2>e {f}g>a b>e c>A d>A B>A c/A(e/| a)(e/4f/4) g>e (a>e) (c>[Ae])|(ae/4f/4) g>e B>c d(e/4f/4)|a>e {f}g>a b>e c>A d>A B>A c/(A/[Ae])| A>ec>e A>ec>e A>ec>e B>cd>f|A>ec>e A<d(e/f/ =g>)g B/A/ c/(A/[A/e/])[A/e/]-| A>ec>e A>ec>e A>ec>e B/c/d/f/|A/e/c/e/ A/(B/4c/4 (3d/(e/f/ =g/)g/B/[A/e/] c<A||
MONEY MUSK [3]. American, Reel (cut time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'CC'DD'. As with "Money Musk (2)", this American variant is distinct from other versions. While the first two strains are distantly cognate with "Money Musk (1)" (albeit reversed from the original), the last two strains are not.