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America (3), America (4), America Lies Far Away, American (The), American Air, American Artillery Quick Step (The), American Boot Dance, American Dwarf (The), American Eagle (1), American Eagle (2), American Eagle Quickstep, American Goddess, American Hornpipe (1), American Hornpipe (2), American March, American Patriots Essence (The), American Rifle Team, American Sett Figure 1, American Sett Figure 2, American Sett Figure 3, American Sett Figure 4, American Sett Figure 5, American Star, American Wake (The), Amhainn Mhor, Amhrán Dochais, Amhrán Mhaínse, Amhrán Na Tae, Amhrán Na Tra Baine, Amhrán na Leabhar, Amhrán na bhFiann, Among the Haughs of Cromdale, Among the Heather, Among the Men Coquets We Find, Amor Alis, Amorous Carling (The), Amorous Goddess (1) (The), Amorous Goddess (2) (The), Amorous Jane, Amorous Lover (The), Amorous Old Woman, Amos Johnson Rag, Amours du Printems (Les), Amphitryon, or the Two Sosias, Amsbaugh's Schottische, Amsbury, Amuig ar an Fairge, Amulree, Amusement, Amusement Quadrille Figure 1, Amusement Quadrille Figure 2, Amusement Quadrille Figure 3, Amusement of the Men of Dovey (The), An E Do Toil E?, An I had thee amang the heather, An Old Man He Courted Me (3), An Thou Were My Ain Thing, An Ye Hae Been Where I Ha'e Been, An t-seanbean sultmhar, An the Kirk Wad Let Me Be, Anach Cuain (1), Anach Cuain (3), Anach Cuan (2), Anacreon, Anaë Toujours, Ancient Barons of Kelravock (The), Ancient Harmony (The), Ancient Irish March, Ancient Sports of the Glen (The), And He Will Not Come Again, And Her Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back, And I Cannot Get to My Love If I Should Dee, And Let Me the Canakin Clink, And Sae Will We Yet, And doth not a meeting like this, Anderson's Farewell, Anderson's Music Shop, Anderson's Rant (1), Anderson's Rant (2), Anderson's Reel (1), Anderson's Reel (2), Anderson's Reel (3), Anderson's Reel (4), Andrea Beaton's March, Andrea's Waltz, Andrew Carey, Andrew Carr, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Kerr, Andrew Linkum Fiddle, Andrew MacIntyre, Andrew Poleson's, Andrew and His Cuttie Gun (1), Andrew and his Cutty Gun (2), Andrew's Farewell to Ireland, Andrew's Hornpipe (1), Andrew's Hornpipe (2), Andrew's Spring, Andrew's Waltz, Andromeda (The), André à Toto Jig (1), André à Toto Reel (1), André à Toto Reel (2), André à Toto Reel (3), Andy, Andy Boyle's (1), Andy Boyle's (2), Andy Brooks' Reel, Andy Brown's Reel, Andy Carey, Andy Dejarlis, Andy Duffy's, Andy Hehir's Jig, Andy Irvine's, Andy Kerrin's Hornpipe, Andy McGann's (Jig) (1), Andy McGann's (Jig) (2), Andy McGann's (Jig) (3), Andy McGann's (Reel) (2), Andy McGann's Fancy, Andy McGann's No 2, Andy McGann's No 42 Bunratty, Andy McGann's Reel (1), Andy McGann's Reel (3), Andy McShane, Andy O'Callaghan, Andy Over the Weaving Shed, Andy Peadar, Andy Renwick's Ferret, Andy Stewart's, Andy's Favorite Jig, Andy's Old Time Waltz, Andy's Polka, Andy's Reel, Andy's Schottische, Andy's Special, Ane Alman Morelss, Ane Irish Tune, Ane Scottis Dance, Ane an' Twenty Tam, Angel's Share (The), Angel's Whisper, Angelina Quadrille Figure 1, Angelina Quadrille Figure 2, Angelina Quadrille Figure 3, Angelina Quadrille Figure 4, Angelina Quadrille Figure 5, Angeline the Baker, Angler (1) (The), Angler (2) (The), Angleworm Wiggle, Angouleme Waltz, Angry Peeler (The), Angus Allan & Dan J's, Angus Allan Gillis, Angus Cameron's Compliments To Alex Webster, Angus Campbell, Angus Chisholm's Favorite, Angus Chisholm's Irish Hornpipe, Angus Fitchet's Strathspey, Angus G MacLeod, Angus Gillis the Boston Stepdancer, Angus Jig, Angus Joseph MacDonald Jig, Angus MacIsaac's Jig, Angus MacKinnon, Angus MacLean Shears, Angus MacRae, Angus Ranald's Big Tune Strathspey, Angus Rankin's, Angus Robichaud's Reel, Angus Ronald Beaton's Strathspey, Angus Smiley, Angus on the Turnpike, Anhawdd ymadael, Animal Comedians (The), Aniseed Water Robin, Anita's Jig, Anlon McKinney, Ann Do Tinneas Ne Tae Ta Uait?, Ann Droney's, Ann Frazer MacKenzie, Ann Gille Dubh Ciar Dubh, Ann Green, Ann MacNamara, Ann MacNeil's Favorite, Ann MacQuarrie Reel, Ann Marie MacDonald Jig, Ann Moir's Birthday, Ann Sheehey's Jig, Ann Sheehy McAuliffe, Ann Small's Jig, Ann Stuart's Strathspey, Ann Thy Charms My Bosom Fire, Ann from Monaghan, Ann's Gosling, Ann's Hornpipe, Anna, Anna Bella, Anna Bhan, Anna Mae's, Anna Maria, Anna Ní h-Eidin, Anna Thug Mi Gradh Dhuit, Anna is My Darling, Anna na geraoiḃ, Anna's Smile, Annabelle Jane Clog, Annablaha (The), Annablaha Slide, The, Annadeene's Waltz, Annaghbeg Polka, The, Annalese Bain, Annamaculeen Reel, Annan Bridge, Annan Polka, Annan Water, Anne Dawson's Jig, Anne Germaine MacDonald, Anne MacQuarrie's Reel, Anne Marie MacInnis Jig, Anne Marie's Reel, Anne Walsh's, Anne love will thou be mine, Anne's Wedding, Annee de Cinquante-Sept, Annesbrook House, Anni brôpr, Annie Allan, Annie Bodey, Annie Dalgarno, Annie Dickson, Annie Dineen, Annie Hayes, Annie Hughes' Jig, Annie Laurie, Annie Laurie Schottische, Annie Laurie Straight Jig, Annie MacDonald's Piano Lesson, Annie MacNab, Annie O'Brien, Annie O'Neill, Annie Poke, Annie Polka (The), Annie Schottische, Annie Twiss, Annie in the Cabbage Patch, Annie is My Darling, Annie's Hornpipe, Annie's Scots Measure, Anniseed Water-Robin, Anniversary Schottische, Anniversary Song, Annsa Baile Seo Comnaideann Aindear, Anonn 'R Anall, Another Cup and Then, Another Jig Will Do, Another Nancy's Fancy, Another One, Anoy's Jig, Ansacht Uí Dhúgáin, Ansboro's Reel, Anson, Answer I Got (The), Anthony Drody's Tune, Anthony Frawley's Jig, Anthony Murray's Reel, Anthony's Bridge, Anthy the Lovely, Anti-Gallican Privateer, Anti-Jew Minuet (The), Anti-Tyrolean Waltz (The), Antient War Cry, Antietam Jig, Antigallican Dances, Antigonish Gathering, Antigonish Polka (1), Antigonish Polka (2), Antigua, Antityrolean Waltz (The), Anton A'Bhearnais, Antony Murray's Reel, Antony's Polka, Antrim Hills, Antrim Lasses (The), Antrim Reel, Antrim Rose, Antwerp Waltz, Antycke, Anvil, The, Anwick Lodge, Any Old Jig Will Do, Any Privation But This, Any Thing (1), Any Thing (2), Anybody's Hornpipe, Anything When You Die, Anything You Please, Anything for John Joe, Aoibhneas An tSaighdiúra, Aoibhneas Laura, Aoibhneas Philip Uí Bheirn, Aoibhneas Uí Mhongáin, Aoibhneas na Máthar, Aoibhneas Éilís Ní Cheallaigh, Aoibneasa Uí h-Aengusa, Aoibneasa an Docais, Aoife's Reel, Aon's Do Na Piobaireacda, Aonac Bel-Ata-na-Sluaigead, Aonac Rogain (An), Aonach Bhéal Átha na Sluaighe, Ap Huw, Ap Shenkin, Ap Tripcet ap Shôn, Ape Cave Blues, Apeave Hornpipe (The), Apex Reel, Apley House, Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo Club, The, Apollo and Daphne, Appalachian Fiddler (The), Appelby Election Hornpipe, Appie McNabb, Appin House (1), Appin House (2), Apple Blossom (1), Apple Blossom (2), Apple Blossom (3), Apple Blossom Polka, Apple Blossom Time, Apple Blossom Waltz, Apple Blossoms (4), Apple Cider Polka, Apple Jack, Apple Knocker, Apple Pie, Apple Praties, Apple Tree, The, Apple in the Orchard, Apples for Ladies, Apples in Winter (1), Apples in Winter (2), Apples in Winter (3), Apples in Winter (4), Apples in Winter (5), Apples in Winter (6), Apples in Winter (7), Apprentice Boy, Apprentice Lads of Alnwick, April Waltz, April's Breakdown, April's Fool, Aprille Pazzo, Apron My Dear (The), Aprún an Tincéara, Ar Bruac Na Abainne, Ar Foreu Teg, Ar Hŷd y Nôs, Ar Laochra, Ar Maidin Go Moc, Ar Mhuin Na Muice, Ar Sliabh Breac, Ar Thaoibh Na Carraige Baine, Ar a' mBaile Seo Ta an Chiolfhionn, Ar n-Oilean Beag Fein, Ara go easy, Arabella's (Waltz), Arabian Prince (The), Araby's Daughter, Arah my dear Evleen, Araidh na mBadan, Aran Boat Song, Arbana, Arbeadie, Arbitration Quadrilles Figure 1, Arbitration Quadrilles Figure 2, Arbitration Quadrilles Figure 3, Arboe (1), Arboe (2), Arbua Reel, Arcadian Contest (The), Arcadian Nuptials, Arcadian One-Step, Archduke John of Austria, Archer's Dance (The), Archer's Hornpipe, Archer's March, Archer's Quick Step (The), Archibald Butter Esq. of Pitclochrie's Reel, Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch, Archie Brown, Archie Menzies, Archie Neil Chisholm, Archie Stewart's Favorite, Archie Stewart's Reel, Archie's Fancy, Archtop, Archy Boylan, Archy MacLellan, Ard an Bhóthar, Arda Berkshire, Ardaidh Cuain, Ardclach, Ardemersay Cottage, Arderin, Ardeur de Paris (Le), Ardgroom, Ardkinglas's Reel, Ardkinlass’s Delight, Ardlamon, Ardoch House, Ardoin Two-Step, Ardrishaig, Ardross Castle, Ardrossan Canal (The), Ardrossan Castle, Ardtaoiseac Fraser (An), Ardtaoiseac Mic Baeitine (An), Ardtaoiseac Rodnaig (An), Are You Hungry Little Seamus?, Are You Not the Bright Star that Used to be Before Me?, Are You Ready Yet?, Are You Shot?, Are You Willing?, Are you always pleased, Areir As Me Ag Machtnamh Air Bheartaibh An t-Saoghail, Areir a Teirighig Sceul Dhom Trem Neulta, Arethusa (The), Argan Mor, Argile's Bouling Green, Argo's Reel, Argreers, Argyle is My Name, Argyle's Bowling Green, Argyll Reel, Argyll Rout (The), Argyllshire Gathering (1) (The), Argyllshire Gathering (2) (The), Aria di Camera, Ariadne, Ariel Hornpipe, Arisaig Cairn, Arisaig Jig, Arisaig Mist, Arizona Stomp, Arizona Waltz, Ark an D'or House, Arkansas Fiddler, Arkansas Hoosier, Arkansas Hop, Arkansas Jitters, Arkansas Pumpkins, Arkansas Rag, Arkansas Sheik, Arkansas Stomp, Arkansas Traveler (1), Arkansas Traveler (2), Arkansas Turnback, Arkansas Two-Step, Arkie's Delight, Arklow Lasses, Arlington, Armagh Polka, Armandine (L'), Armstrong's Farewell, Army and Navy, Arnaudville Two-Step, Arndilly House, Arndilly's Reel, Arne's Jigg, Arne's Reel, Arne's Well, Arniston Castle, Arniston House, Arnold Kennedy's Jig, Arnold Van Pelt's Tune, Arnold's Duck, Arnold's Hornpipe, Aron's Maggot, Around Killavil, Around Killaville, Around the Fairy Fort, Around the House and Mind the Dresser, Around the Houses, Around the Lake, Around the World (1), Around the World (2), Around the World for Sport (1), Around the World for Sport (2), Around the World for Sport (3), Around the World for Sport (4), Around the World for Sport (5), Around the World for Sport (6), Around the World on a Dime, Arpeggio Hornpipe in 'F', Arra Kitty Be Easy, Arragh Mountains, Arrah My Dear Eveleen, Arran Air, Arran Boat (The), Arran Lilt (An), Arrane Ghelby, Arranmore Ferry (The), Arranmore Tune (An), Arravale Rovers, Arrival (The), Arrochar Bridge, Art McBride (2), Art O'Keeffe's (1), Art O'Keeffe's (2), Art O'Keeffe's (3), Art O'Keeffe's (4), Art O'Keeffe's Polka (1), Art O'Keeffe's Polka (2), Art Og Ua Dálaig, Art Wooten's Hornpipe, Art Wooten's Quadrille, Art of Sparing (The), Arterial Clog (The), Arthur Berry, Arthur Bignold of Lochrosque, Arthur Darley's, Arthur Finley, Arthur LeClerc's Waltz, Arthur McBride (1), Arthur Muise (1), Arthur Muise (2), Arthur Muise (3), Arthur Muise's (4), Arthur Murray's Reel, Arthur Stevens the Blacksmith, Arthur and Emineline, Arthur's Seat (1), Arthur's Seat (2), Arthur's Seat (3), Arthur's Seat (4), Arthur's Seat Waltz, Artillery Quickstep, Artillery Rout (The), Artillery Straight Jig, Artist (The), Artless Annie, Arty Savidant's Tune, Arundel Street, As 'Tis Danc'd at the Playhouse, As Black as Coal, As Down in the Meadows, As I Came in by Auchindon, As I Roved Out (1), As I Roved Out (2), As I Roved Out One Morning (1), As I Roved Out One Morning (2), As I Roved Out on a Mayday Morning, As I Roved Out on a Summer Morning, As I Strayed Out on a Foggy Morning in Harvest, As I Walked Out One Evening, As I Walked Out One Morning I Heard a Dismal Cry, As I Walked Out One Morning in Spring, As I Walked Out Yesterday Evening, As I Walked Over the County Cavan, As I Walked on the Road to Sligo, As I Was Walking Beside Dublin, As I Was Walking One Morning in May, As I Went Out Upon the Ice, As I Went to Dublin City, As I Went to Walsingham, As I came o’er the Cairney Mount, As I sat at my Spinning-Wheel, As I was Kissed Yestreen, As I was by the bay westwards (2), As Jimmy and Nancy One Evening Were Straying, As Luck Will Have It, As Quick as You Please, As Slow Our Ship, As Soon as You Please, As Sweet as a Pink, As Through the Woods I Roamed, As We Go About Our Work, As We Sailed from the Downs, As You Like It, As You Like Me, As a Sailor and Soldier, As a Thòiseach, As att Noone Dulcina Rested, As blyth as a linnet, As now we're met, As she pissed she paddled it, As the Sun was Setting, Asa Hoge Tune, Ascot Hornpipe, Asey's Piece, Asgill's Rant, Ash Grove (The), Ash Maley House, Ash Plant, Ash Wednesday (1), Ash Wednesday (2), Ashcroft's Medley Jig, Asher, Asherstone Schottische, Asheville, Ashford Assembly (The), Ashland Breakdown, Ashley MacIsaac's Reel, Ashley MacIsaac's Request, Ashley's Flag (1), Ashley's Flag (2), Ashley's Hornpipe (1), Ashley's Hornpipe (2), Ashley's Hornpipe (3), Ashley's Ride, Ashley's Swing, Ashmolean House, Ashokan Farewell, Ashplant (1) (The), Ashplant (2) (The), Ashton's Clog, Ashtree Grove, The, Ashuelot Hornpipe, Asian Camp, Asiolta Figlio, Ask Momma, Ask My Father, Ask Our Dan, Aslacha' na Bain-Tighearna, Asparagus Garden (The), Aspinwall Hornpipe, Assassination (The), Assembly (La), Assembly (The), Assembly Schottische, Assembly Waltz, Assembly of Lovers, Assinaboine Polka, Assist Me All Ye Muses, Assize Assembly, Astley's Flag, Astley's Hornpipe, Astley's Ride, Astley's Ride.mp3, Astleys Ride.pdf, Aston's Folly, Astoreen Machree, Astronaut's Breakdown, Astrope Wells, Astrope Wells the New Way, Asturian Way, At Cloone Church Gate the Fight Began, At Home Wad I Be, At Length I Crossed the Ferry, At Setting Day, At Winchester was a Wedding, At a Georgia Camp Meeting, At the Bend in the Road, At the Brow of a Hill, At the Fair (1), At the Fair (2), At the Mid-Hour of Night, At the Midnight Hour, At the Side of the Road, At the Tree I Shall Suffer with Pleasure, At the Yellow Boreen, Ata Duim an Oir, Ata na Muillte ag Meilt, Ataireachd Ard, An, Atalanta, Atheal Broes (The), Athens, Athlone Bridge (The), Athlone Hornpipe (The), Athlone Races, Athol Highlanders Jig, Athol and his Highland Men, Athol(l) House, Athole Bonnie Lasses, Athole Braes, Athole Brose, Athole Cummers (1), Athole Cummers (2), Athole Highlander's Farewell to Loch Katrine (The), Athole Highlanders' March (The), Athole House, Athole Lads, Athole Plaid (The), Athole Volunteers March (The), Athole Volunteers Quickstep (The), Athole and Breadalbane Gathering (The), Athole's Honest Men, Atholian Hills, Atholl Braes, Atholl Highlanders (1) (The), Atholl Highlanders (2) (The), Atkins Polka (1), Atkins Polka (2), Atkins Polka (3), Atkins Polka (4), Atkins Polka (5), Atlamands March, Atlanta Hornpipe, Atlanta Schottische, Atlantic (The), Atlantic Hornpipe, Atlantic Polka (1), Atlantic Polka (2), Atlantic Polka (3), Atlantic Polka (4), Atlantic Polka (5), Atlantic Reel (The), Atlantic Roar (1) (The), Atlantic Roar (2) (The), Atlantic Sound (1) (The), Atlantic Sound (2) (The), Atlantic Wave (The), Attention C'est Mon Coeur Qui Va Casser, Attic Story (The), Attrape le lièvre, Attrapez-Moi Je Tombe, Attrapez-Moi Mon Chapeau, Attwood, Atude, Au Grand Cafe, Au Long de la Riviere, Aubey Foley's Jig, Aubey Foley's Reel, Aubey Foley's Strathspey, Auchdon House, Auchencruive's Welcome, Auchertool Volunteers Quick Step, Auchincruive, Auchincruive House, Auchindoun Castle, Auchmountain's Bonnie Glen, Auchry, Auchtertool Volunteers March, Auchtertyre House, Audenard Battle, Aughacashel, Aughamore, Aughdarra (The), Aughtaboy, The, Augusta Staff Ladies, Augustin Waltz (L'), Augustus, Auld Bell Robbie, Auld Bessy, Auld Bob Morris, Auld Brig o' Ayr (The), Auld Brig o' Don (The), Auld Brig o' Doon (The), Auld Chapel Brae, Auld Cletten Roe, Auld Criple Dow (The), Auld Eage and Young Never Grees the Gither, Auld Fiddler (The), Auld Foula Reel (Da), Auld Ga'd Aiver (The), Auld Garden Kirn, The, Auld Goodman (The), Auld Grey Mare (The), Auld House, The, Auld Inn (The), Auld Jew (The), Auld Joe of Hareshawhead, Auld Kirk (The), Auld Kirkyard (The), Auld Lang Syne (1), Auld Lang Syne (2), Auld Luckie, Auld Maid Wad be Married, Auld Maid of Fife, Auld Man (The), Auld Man Ill Ne'er Die (The), Auld Man is Long a Dying (The), Auld Man's Mare's Dead (The), Auld Man's from Home, The, Auld Noost, The, Auld Peat Rod (Da), Auld Pipe Reel, Auld Reckie, Auld Reel (Da), Auld Restin' Chair (Da), Auld Road to Towie (The), Auld Rob Morris, Auld Rob the Laird, Auld Robin Gray (1), Auld Robin Gray (2), Auld Robin Gray (3), Auld Scotch Sangs (The), Auld Snatwell, Auld Springs Gees Nae Price, Auld Stewart's Back Again, Auld Stewarts of Fothergill, Auld Stoer's Back Again, Da, Auld Style's Awa', The, Auld Swaara, Auld Toon o' Edinburgh, Auld Toun o' Ayr, Auld Wattie, Auld Wheel, Auld Wife Ahunt the Fire, Auld Wife Auld Wife Will You Go a Shearing?, Auld Wife Ayond the Fire, Auld Wife's Shanks, Auld Yowe Jumpt O'er the Tether, Aunt Adele's Waltz, Aunt Aleen's Waltz, Aunt Clara's Waltz, Aunt Hagar's Blues, Aunt Hilda's Waltz, Aunt Jemima’s Plaster, Aunt Katy, Aunt Lucy Deal, Aunt Mary's Hornpipe, Aunt Mary's Jig, Aunt May's Canadian Jig, Aunt Polly, Aunt Rose's Reel, Aunt Sally's Jig, Aunt Sue's Schottische, Auntie Mary, Auretti's Dutch Skipper, Auretti's Minuet (1), Auretti's Minuet (2), Aurora Hornpipe, Aurora Waltz (1), Aurora Waltz (2), Ausgrah Lasses, Auspacher (The), Austin Barret's, Austin Breakdown, Austin Tierney's, Austin White's, Australian Ladies, Australian Waters, Autocrat Hornpipe, Autograph Hornpipe, Autumn Leaf, Autumn Leaves, Autumn Morning Rain, Autumn Pastime Straight Jig, Autumn Waltz (1), Autumn Waltz (2), Autumn Woods, Avalanche (1), Avalanche (2), Avalon Quickstep, Avenging and Bright, Avimore (The), Avon Breakdown, Avondale (The), Avonmore (The), Awa' Whigs Awa', Awa' to Bonnie Tweedside, Awake Harmonious Strings, Away Back, Away My Gallant Page, Away and Over, Away to the Bogs, Away to the Camp, Away to the Copse, Away with Melancholy, Awkward Clown's Antics (The), Axton Shottish, Axum Reel, Ay Waking O!, Ay as she piss'd she padled it, Aye Marry and Thank Ye Too, Aye Me, Aylmore Polka, Ayr Harbour, Ayr Races (1), Ayr Races (2), Ayre, Ayrshire Lasses (2), Ayrshire Lasses (3), Ayrshire Lassie (1), Azmeralda, B C Centennial, B Flat Hornpipe, B Flat Rag, B and O Railroad, The, B and O Waltz, B'fhearr leigean dóibh, B'fhearr liomsa Ainnir gan Gúna, B-Fuil a Tuille Uait?, BB Waltz, Ba-ba My Baby, Baaltigh Abhran, Bab at the Bowster, Baba Mo Leanabh, Babbit's Hornpipe, Babbity Bowster, Babby's Fancy, Babe, Babes in the Woods (1), Babes in the Woods (2), Babes in the Woods (3), Babes in the Woods (4) Schottische, Babes in the Woods (5), Babie's Schottische, Baby Ben, Baby Gavin, Baby with the Bath Water, Baby-O, Bacach, Bacach Buidhe na Léige, Bacach na Cleithe, Bacagh of the Wattle (The), Bacah Buidhe (An), Bacarole in Masuniello, Bacca Pipes (1), Bacca Pipes (2), Baccah (The), Baccaugh Buie, Bacchus Defeat, Bacchus and Mars, Bacchus’ Favorite Jig, Bachelor's Button, Bachelor's Fair, Bachelor's Jig (1), Bachelor's Jig (2), Bachelor's Reel, Bachelor's Walk, Bachelors of Every Nation, Bachgen main (Y), Bach’s March, Back Door (1) (The), Back Door (2) (The), Back Door Highland (The), Back Home Again in Indiana, Back Issues, Back Reel (Da), Back Rub (The), Back Side of Albany, Back Step Cindy, Back Up and Push (1), Back Up and Push (2), Back in '89, Back in the Garden, Back o' Catterhune, Back o' the Bush in the Garden, Back of the Change (1) (The), Back of the Change (2) (The), Back of the Change House, Back of the Grampians, Back of the Haggard (1), Back of the Haggard (2), Back of the Haggard (3), Back of the Moon, Back of the Smithie (The), Back to Gweedore, Back to Skibbereen, Back to the Fountain, Back to the Hills, Back to the Mill Wheel, Back to the Sugar Camp, Backbone and Spareribs, Backs of Corus (The), Backside Albany, Backstep, Backstep Cindy, Backus' Rest, Backwards Fiddle (The), Backwoodsman Reel, Bacon Rind (1), Bacon Rind (2), Bacon and Cabbage, Bacon and Eggs, Bacon's Hornpipe, Bacup Coconut Tune, Bad Hair, Bad Liquor, Bad Luck to this Marching, Baddeck Gathering (The), Baddeck Reel, Baden Baden Polka, Badin (Le), Baffled Knight (The), Bag Pipe Tune, Bag of Meal (The), Bag of Potatoes (1) (The), Bag of Potatoes (2) (The), Bag of Praties (The), Bag of Spuds (The), Bag of Sundries (The), Bag of Turf (The), Bagatelle (1) (La), Bagatelle (2) (La), Bagging Cotton, Bagley's Reel, Bagot Two-Step, Bagpipe (1) (The), Bagpipe (2) (The), Bagpipe Hornpipe (1) (A), Bagpipe Hornpipe (2) (A), Bagpiper's Fiddle, Bagún Muman